College Dorm Essentials for the Bathroom

Going to college and living in a dorm room is an exciting experience that requires proper preparation. If you are like many other recent high school graduates waiting to start your first year in college, you may spend most of your time thinking about classes and what to do for fun. However, you should also consider day-to-day practical issues, such as stocking your dorm room with washcloths and shower kits that you need for the dorm bathroom.

Using a dorm bathroom is a lot different than using your bathroom at home. For starters, a dorm bathroom is shared, so you cannot just leave your cotton washcloths hanging next to the shower. You need to carry supplies to and from your room whenever you take a shower or brush your teeth, which makes selecting and organizing the right items especially important. Coordinating cloths are a great choice, since you do not have to worry about mixing up your cloths with those of your roommate. Another convenient way to organize your toiletries is to use shower travel kits, which allow you to store and transport your items easily. Hand mirrors, shower caddies and storage tubs are other supplies that help you stay organized.

Your new life at college is going to be filled with new experiences, many of which are life changing. However, not everything about college is exciting. Take some time to prepare for the mundane but necessary dorm bathroom experience, and make your stay at college much easier and more enjoyable.


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