4 Reasons to Choose a Claw-Foot Tub

Claw-foot tubs are one of the most popular decor items available for bathroom remodeling today. We have captured a few reasons to encourage you to pick a claw-foot tub for your home.

clawfoot tub
Photo: Kingston Brass 67" Cast Iron Slipper Clawfoot Tub / kingstonbrass.com

1. Claw-Foot Tubs are Easy to Install

The ease of installation is probably the most appealing characteristic of claw-foot tubs. Unlike drop-in tubs, you don’t have to tear out a wall or even caulk edges to install it. You simply place it where you want in your bathroom and then install all the plumbing. It is the easiest way to transform the look of your bathroom or convert a side room into a bathroom.

2. They are Attractive

They look chic and instantly turn your bathroom into a classic or traditional style. Moreover, their appearance remained almost the same as it was two centuries ago when they first became popular. Even though the materials have changed β€” acrylic is currently the most popular claw-foot tub material β€” the classic look with striking claw feet stays the same.

3. Claw-Foot Tubs are Durable

You can find many stories of people restoring old homes and keeping the original clawfoot tubs that came with the home. They are still in perfect condition. However, not all new tubs are made of the same materials as those old ones. The majority of the original tubs were cast iron, coated with porcelain, while modern ones are often made from acrylics. With proper maintenance, they are still very durable and can last for decades. But if you want it to last long enough to become a heirloom, choose cast iron.

4. Claw-Foot Tubs are Comfortable

Imagine yourself soaking in a hot bath and listening to your favorite music (watching a football game / TV show / singing / add your own option πŸ™‚ )? Then a claw-foot bathtub may be a wise purchase. They are contoured in such a way that they let you recline comfortably. Moreover, they are deeper than many drop-in tubs and are made from heat-resistant materials, allowing you to relax in the warm bathroom for a long time without the water becoming cold.


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