If you frequently host guests in your home, consider sprucing up your guest bathroom to make their stay more comfortable. Updating a small bathroom requires very little construction know-how. With a little study and effort, you can learn to do it yourself and avoid spending an arm and a leg on a contractor or interior decorator. Making several small changes, such as improving bathroom lighting and getting an attractive bath mat, can all add up to make a big difference.
After giving your bathroom a good cleaning, give an honest assessment on the way it looks. If the room is old, you may need to install a new vanity and sink, or put in new tiles. If the room's hardware and plumbing is still looking solid, you make dramatic improvements simply by adding new towel racks, hanging fresh window curtains or improving the bathroom vanity lighting. Purchasing an attractive bath and tub mat is an easy way to update your guest bathroom's décor. A bath non-skid mat can prevent your guests from slipping and falling while taking a shower. Another way to improve you guest bathroom without spending a fortune is by applying a fresh coat of paint. The color of paint used on a room's walls has a huge impact on the way that the room feels. Colorful bath rugs are relatively inexpensive and can add style to your guest bathroom.
If you love having houseguests, sprucing up your guest bathroom can be a great way to increase their comfort during their stay in your home. A well-appointed bathroom is a lovely amenity for your guests, who are sure to remember you as a thoughtful and considerate host.