You do not have to invest thousands of dollars into totally remodeling your bathroom to give it a little more comfort and just a touch of opulence. Consider replacing some of the cabinet or door knobs with sparkling crystal for glittering accents. Even adding a few spa-like accessories, such as a towel warmer or a bath pillow, can make your master bath a more luxurious environment.
A bathroom need not be all about quickly and hygienically attending to your bodily needs. While you may be too rushed to enjoy much more than a quick shower in the morning, you can wind down in the evening with a bubble bath. Resting your head on a bath cushioned pillow is just one small luxury to make your soak a little more comfortable. You can also find a bath inflatable pillow if storage in your master bathroom is minimal, so you can deflate it between uses. Upgrading your bathroom light bulbs can make you more self-confident in how you look when you see yourself in the mirror. While upgrading your bathroom sink and tub faucets can be challenging, it takes little effort or know-how to upgrade your door hardware and knobs.
Adding a few small luxuries to your master bathroom can help you feel more confident as you go out and make your way in the world, as well as providing your own personal refuge for relaxation at the end of the day. If you are on a budget, or if you lack confidence in your do-it-yourself skills, you can still accomplish these simple upgrades.