Fast & Easy Bath Decoration

Life can get busy; it can be a challenge to simply make it to the end of each day so things like decorating the bathroom tend to fall to the bottom of the priority list unless you have company coming or some other self-imposed deadline. The good news is that when you shop online for shower kits and bath ensembles it is easy to transform the look of a mundane bathroom without investing a lot of time or money.

Antiqua Wall Sconce

Antiqua Wall Sconce, $19.99 -

When you are ready to tackle the bathroom it is best to begin with a clean slate. Set aside some time, during daylight hours if possible, to clean the bathroom and remove all of the stuff you no longer need or use as this can often be a big part of the problem. Donate unwanted toiletries, towels and bath mats to charity and weed out what does not really need to be stored in the bathroom so you have less clutter to deal with.

Clean the room from top to bottom, removing window treatments for cleaning or replacement and be sure to clean the light futures. Take the time to replace any burned out or missing light bulbs with new ones at the highest wattage recommended for the fixture. This is also a good opportunity to switch over to energy efficient LED or CFL bulbs if you have not already done so.

Open up the room with wall mirrors and sconces; mirrors reflect light and can make even a tiny bathroom appear larger than it actually is while sconces add ambient light which can also open up a room. The harsh glare of an overhead light is not helpful for grooming; a lighted makeup or magnifying mirror can be a useful alternative.


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